To make money online is easy when you do it right. If you sell products of any type on the internet you need a list of customers and prospective customers. Usually that will be composed of all the people who have expressed an interest in whatever you are offering on your web site. When they give you their name and email address your autoresponder will add them to a database for future marketing. That's where the big money is.
You probably know “The money is in the list” so you should also know that you need to build a list that is not just big but also relevant to your internet business. In other words they are people who are likely to buy from you in the future.
There are many ways to build your email list for generating sales on your website. Here I am describing just one way to do it. It just happens to be probably the easiest way to get started if you are new to internet selling or to add some extra names to your existing list.
Do an internet search and you will find many list building web sites offering a wide range of methods. Not all of these are what they might appear to be at first sight. Some will cost far too much in money or time for the returns they give you. Others risk you being involved in sending spam which can result in your web site being closed down.
I am not writing here about the many bad offers that you should keep away from. What I am writing about is the very trusted sites offering a particular service for list building that does not require you to commit large sums of money to Pay Per Click or similar methods.
The typical service of this type is a membership site which enables you to send your emails to other members. Those members are usually serious internet marketers so have reasons to take notice of what your emails offer. If your offer is the right one then you will secure their names on your list and make immediate sales to at least some of them. All this should come at a low monthly or annual fee.
These sites are offered by several well known and highly respected internet marketers. However, some less reliable sources have taken the opportunity to copy the method but without the good reputation gained by the top sites. Be careful which services you choose to use. If you don’t know how reputable the web site is then just do a search for the owner and check out him or her.
One membership service I use has a small fee, either monthly or annually, but you can start with a free service before deciding to commit to making a payment. You can also choose the level of service you want and your emails will then be sent randomly to a specific number of people who have also opted in to either the free deal or the paid service.
In any event, the cost is very low compared to the number of new names I regularly get on my lists.
I also get ready made tools and advice to help with other promotional methods – all included in the cost.
To start your own list building or to add more names to your existing list take a look at this list building service. There are others but I know from experience that this one is run by a top internet name with a well respected reputation. It is used by very many people. There is a free offer to test the service and the paid service is a low cost which varies depending on the level you want to use.
I make money because of what I have learnt on that program. When new list methods are proven to make more money they are added to the tools available on the site. Every week I reach new people who I probably would never contact through other means. Then, all I have to do is bank the money that comes in and add their names and emails to my marketing program.
You could do the same.
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