To make money online is the aim of every web marketer. If you are an internet marketer you will be looking for ways to make money by selling products or services on your website. You will already know how important it is to attract potential purchasers in order to build a list of people who will buy not just today but also in the future through email marketing. The right choice of hosting and autoresponder will help you to make money on the internet.
To do that it is essential to have somewhere to host one or more web sites so you will need to open an account with a professional web hosting supplier. Unfortunately there is not much information available to guide you to good, reliable hosting companies. Do a Google search and you will find many hosting sites that you have never heard of and about which you have no reliable information.
To attract you to use their services many offer free or very low cost services. They promise to give you “cheap hosting” or “free hosting with every $9 domain name registration”. But what is “cheap”? It certainly does not suggest top quality. In fact “cheap” creates a picture of inferior quality but who really wants that?
Providers giving internet web hosting away free probably have little revenue income to maintain their facilities never mind any future development or up-grade requirement.
So, where does this leave you if you are a serious internet marketer? You could take a risk and go with one of the little known hosts that may be free or will certainly be cheap. On the other hand you could go with a well known, top quality web hosting supplier and pay their regular fees.
The same reasoning could be applied to suppliers of autoresponder services where you will build and manage your customer lists. Choose a free or cheap one if you are prepared to accept the risk or go with a well known supplier if you are happy to pay their fees.
To any serious internet marketer the choice is obvious: go with the well known company and pay the fees. Why do I say this? Well, to begin with the fees are very small compared to the profits you can make as a successful marketer and compared to the damage to your reputation and business when things go wrong. Good, top hosting can be found from around $79 per year depending on what you require. A top autoresponder will cost from around $230 per year depending on the size of your list. So the actual cost is not high and you get a reliable, well known company as your supplier.
Once you have accepted the need to pay a reasonable figure for the service then it is time to look at other important questions. For example, some web hosting suppliers are very much geared to internet marketing and understand the affiliate marketing requirements. Others provide substantial support facilities including training webinars and web page templates, various forms and easy video facilities.
It is important to take a little time looking at the web sites for the major suppliers to compare exactly what they offer; but remember, the fees should be your least concern within reason.
In the past the route chosen by many well known marketers has been to use separate suppliers for hosting and autoresponders. That is now changing. Many of the world’s top marketers all host their web sites at the same hosting company because they get many benefits by doing so.
The hosting site they use charges a range of different fees to give marketers a wide choice. The big names in marketing go for the full service which is around $45 per month but for that they get top level facilities and support.
Most hosting companies do not own their own data centre which causes major problems when there is a down time situation. Only the top suppliers own all their own data centre and other facilities. One even owns its fibre optic cables supplying the data centre. If they have a down time, and every web hosting supplier will at some stage, then they are able to be up again in the minimum time scale. That is important in internet selling.
Just as important as the reliability of the hosting service are the other facilities they include in their service. That can make it far easier to make money. One particular supplier that has been around for many years and started as an internet marketing business fully understands what a marketer needs. The service includes many extra components including a very comprehensive autoresponder, video production facilities, marketing services, web conference facilities and much more, all included in the price.
If you think the price is higher than some others just consider this – the price is not high compared to getting all the components you will need at some stage from separate suppliers in order to make money. At this supplier they are all of top quality and easy to use. The academy part of their service is second to none and I have never seen any other internet site in any line of business that provides better video instruction than this one.
I recently moved my hosting and autoresponder accounts to an all inclusive firm, even though the fees are higher, because I get far more for my money. However, I actually expect the service to cost me less than my previous suppliers because the occasional cost of such things as video production and conference facilities which I previously paid a lot for are now included within the monthly fees.
So, think clearly about whether you really want to save a few dollars but risk the whole of your business on a cheap supplier when, for a few dollars more, you can get everything you need from a host that is setting the industry standards.
1 comment:
Their are many ways to earn money from hosting and here some informative points you have shared,Website Hosting
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